Manual on Corporate Governance
The Corporate Governance (CG) Manual is the embodiment of PSC’s commitment to its stakeholders from which all CG policies and guidelines are sourced and evaluated. It is an instrument by which corporate actions are gauged. It provides for PSC’s framework of governance, as well as the responsibilities of the Board and the Company employees towards its stockholders.
The Corporate Governance (CG) Manual aims at institutionalizing the principles of corporate governance across all levels of the organization.
At the heart of the Corporate Governance (CG) Manual is transparency towards PSC’s shareholders to whom it accords preferred status. To this end, the CG Manual also contains provisions on governance self-rating, disclosure and transparency, and commitment to good corporate governance.
The Corporate Governance (CG) Manual was approved and adopted on August 2002. This was further amended pursuant to the following SEC Memorandum Circulars: a) Memo No. 6, Series of 2009, b) Memo No. 9, Series of 2014 and c) Memo No. 19, Series of 2016. The amendments were approved on July 29, 2010, July 22, 2014, and May 31, 2017, respectively.
PSC also established a Corporate Governance Program which provides for the structure, policies, and programs to implement the Corporate Governance (CG) Manual. Below is the summary of the PSC Corporate Governance Structure: