Board Committees

The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall management and direction of the Corporation. The Board meets at least thrice every year or as needed to review and monitor the Corporation’s financial position and operation. The eleven (11) directors of the Company are elected at the Annual Stockholders’ meeting to hold office until the next succeeding annual meeting or until their respective successors have been elected and qualified. The Chairman of the Board and the President are separate individuals. Mr. Jose T. Pardo serves as the Chairman of the Board and Mr. Jose Victor P. Paterno serves as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Board Processes

Board Meetings and Attendance

The Board of Directors is expected to attend board meetings held by the Corporation which is scheduled before the start of the fiscal year. Absence of a director in more than 50% of all the regular and special meetings during his incumbency or any 12-month period during such incumbency is a ground for his temporary disqualification in the succeeding election unless the absence is due to serious illness, death in the immediate family or serious accident. All directors complied with the attendance requirement of at least 50% of all board meetings for the year. Below is the list of directors of PSC and their attendance to Annual Stockholders’ Meeting (ASM) and board meetings held for the fiscal year 2023.

Name of DirectorTotal MeetingsTotal AbsentTotal Present
Jose T. Pardo505
Jui-Tien Huang505
Jose Victor P. Paterno505
Jorge L. Araneta505
Maria Cristina P. Paterno505
Ching-Feng Kuo505
Tsung-Hsien Lee505
Yung-Wei Lu505
Wen-Chi Wu505
Ron Hose303
Raymond Anthony N. Alimurung303

Board Charter

Board Quorum

As provided in Section 16 of PSC’s Amended By-laws, a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall consist of a majority of the Directors as fixed in the Articles of Incorporation, and every decision of such quorum duly assembled as a board shall be valid as a corporate act.

The Executive Committee and the Board Committees

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee, as created in the PSC Bylaws and as provided in Section 34 of the RCC shall exercise during intervals between Board meetings all the powers and functions, vested in the Board, as well as act on specific matters as may be delegated to it by the Board, except with respect to (1) approval of any action for which shareholders’ approval is also required; (2) the filling of vacancies in the Board; (3) the amendment or repeal of any resolution of the Board which by its express terms is not so amendable or repealable, 4) amendment or repeal of bylaws or adoption of new bylaws, 5) distribution of cash dividends to stockholders. Items 4 and 5 are as provided in the RCC. All matters passed and acted upon by the Executive Committee in the exercise of its powers and functions as provided herein, have the same force and effect for all intents and purposes, as if passed by the Board itself.

Audit & Risk Committee

The Audit & Risk Committee performs its role by providing independent oversight to the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Committee is to provide a structured, systematic oversight of the organization’s governance, risk management, and internal control practices. The Committee assists the board and management by providing advice and guidance on the adequacy of PSC’s initiatives for:

  1. Financial reporting and disclosures
  2. Values and Ethics
  3. Governance Structure
  4. Risk Management
  5. Related Party Transactions
  6. Internal Control Framework
  7. Compliance
  8. Oversight of the external auditors
  9. Oversight of the Internal Audit, and other providers of assurance
  10. Establish Whistleblowing Mechanism

Adhering to the Principle of Proportionality, PSC combines the functions of a Board Risk Oversight Committee (BROC) and Related Party Transaction Committee (RPTC) in its Audit and Risk Committee to achieve functional and cost-efficiency.

In broad terms, the Audit & Risk Committee reviews each item noted above and provides the board with independent advice and guidance regarding the adequacy and effectiveness of management’s practices and potential improvements to those practices.

The Audit Charter, Self Assessment Worksheet for AudCom Performance and the internal audit charter can be found in the following links:

Audit & Risk Committee Charter

Internal Audit Charter

Self Assessment Worksheet for AudCom Performance

Corporate Governance Committee

The Corporate Governance Committee oversees the development and implementation of corporate governance principles and policies of the Corporation. It also subsumed the functions of the nomination committee. It reviews and evaluates the qualifications of all persons nominated to the Board that require Board approval and assesses the effectiveness of the Board’s processes and procedures in the election or replacement of directors.

  1. Governance Functions
    1. Oversee the development and implementation of the corporate governance framework and periodically review the same to ensure that it remains appropriate in light of material changes to the Corporation’s size, complexity, and business strategy, as well as its business and regulatory environments; Adopt corporate governance policies and ensures that these are reviewed and updated regularly, and implemented in form and substance;
    2. Recommend continuing education/training programs for directors, assignment of tasks/projects to board committees, succession planning for the board members and senior officers;
    3. Oversee periodic performance evaluation of the Board, its committees, and the directors through annual self-assessments. Discuss the results of the Board evaluation and that concrete action plans are developed and implemented to address the identified areas for improvement.
  1. Nomination Functions
    1. Determine the nomination and election process for the Corporation’s directors and define the general profile of board members that the Corporation may need in ensuring appropriate knowledge, competencies and experience that complement the existing skills of the Board.
    2. Review and evaluate the qualifications of all persons nominated to the Board and other appointments that require Board approval, and assess the effectiveness of the Board’s processes and procedures in the election or replacement of directors;
    3. To follow the nomination procedures for directors as provided by regulatory agencies.

The Corporate Governance Charter can be found at this link:

CG Com Charter

Compensation Committee

The Compensation Committee consists of 3 directors as voting members, one of whom is an independent director. It also has 2 non-voting members.  The functions of the Compensation Committee are enumerated as follows:

  1. Establish a formal and transparent procedure for developing a policy on remuneration of directors and officers to ensure that their compensation is consistent with the Corporation’s culture, strategy, and the business environment on which it operates;
  2. Ensure that the levels of remuneration of the Corporation should be sufficient to be able to attract and retain the services of qualified and competent directors and officers.  A portion of the remuneration of executive directors may be structured or be based on corporate and individual performance.  The Board shall look into the alignment of remuneration of key officers and board members with the long-term interest of the Corporation. No director shall participate in the approval of his compensation except for uniform compensation to directors for their services as directors. Directors shall not receive any compensation unless provided in the By-laws of the Corporation or approved by the stockholders as may be required in its By-laws.  However, the Board may, from time to time, approve a reasonable per diem that a director may receive for attendance in Board and Board Committee meetings.
  3. Oversee and assist the development of the corporate compensation and retirement standards for directors and corporate officers, consistent with the Corporation’s culture, strategy and the business environment in which it operates;
  4. Review and recommends subject to approval of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee as authorized by the Board, the retirement benefit, gratuity grant, director’s fee and per diem for the chairman of the board, independent directors, directors, members of board committees, corporate officers, executive officers and other designated officers or subordinate officers, and adviser/consultant for every board or committee meeting actually attended.

The Compensation Charter can be found in this link:

Compensation Committee Charter

Board Committee Charters:

Audit & Risk Committee Charter

Internal Audit Charter

CG Com Charter

Compensation Committee Charter

Access to information

Board papers for the Board of Directors are generally provided 3-5 days prior to the meeting in advance of the board meetings.

Board Secretary

The Board is assisted in its duties by a Corporate Secretary, who is not a member of the Board of Directors, and annually attends training on corporate governance. The Corporate Secretary is a Filipino citizen and a resident of the Philippines, is an officer of the Corporation and has among others, the following responsibilities: assists the Board and the board committees in the conduct of their meetings, including preparing an annual schedule of board and committee meetings and the annual board calendar, and assisting the Chair of the Board and its committees to set agendas for those meetings; safekeeps and preserves the integrity of the minutes of the meetings of the Board and its committees, as well as other official records of the Corporation; and keeps abreast on relevant laws, regulations, all governance issuances, relevant industry developments and operations of the corporation, and advises the Board and the Chairman on all relevant issues as they arise;

Nomination and Election of Directors

The election of directors is held annually during the stockholders’ meeting and is conducted in a manner provided by the RCC.  Each director will hold office until the annual meeting held after his/her election and until his/her successor has been duly chosen and qualified, or until he/she has resigned.


The levels of remuneration of the Corporation should be sufficient to attract and retain the services of qualified and competent directors and officers. A portion of the remuneration of executive directors may be structured or be based on corporate and individual performance. The Board shall look into the alignment of remuneration of key officers and board members with the long-term interests of the Corporation.

No director shall participate in the approval of his compensation. Directors shall not receive any compensation unless provided in the bylaws of the Corporation or approved by the stockholders as may be required in its bylaws. However, the Board may, from time to time, approve a reasonable per diem that a director may receive for attendance in Board and Board Committee meetings. With the passing of the RCC on February 20, 2019, the Corporation has aligned its CG Manual, policies, and bylaws to the requirements of the law.

The Corporation has certain standard arrangements for compensation and profit-sharing. Per diems of P 20,000.00 (Philippine Peso) or equivalent of USD380.00 (US Dollars) net of taxes (as may be fixed by the Compensation Committee from time to time) are given to each of the members of the board of directors, members of board committees, designated corporate/executive officers, members of the advisory committee or adviser/consultant for every regular or special meeting of the Board, Executive Committee, Board Committees, and other related corporate meetings actually attended, either physically or by teleconferencing/videoconferencing.

The Corporation has a policy on the director’s fee and gratuity for the Office of the Chairman of the Board, as approved by the Compensation Committee. A monthly director’s fee shall be provided for the position of the Chairman of the Board as determined by the Compensation Committee, from time to time, as concurred by the Board and/or the Executive Committee. An additional director’s fee (gratuity) shall be given upon the occurrence of the following: a) End of term of office and not accepting reappointment (except due to removal); b) Incapacity; c) Resignation due to any of the above; d) Death, which shall be equivalent to one month of the Chairman’s prevailing monthly director’s fee for every year or term in office.

The Corporation updated its policy to provide guidelines for a director’s fee to be provided to independent directors. As a director and member of the Board, the independent director shall be entitled to an annual director’s fee of PHP 200,000.00. If he is a Chairman of any Board Committee, the independent director shall be entitled to an annual director’s fee of PHP 200, 000.00, and if a member of any Board Committee, the independent director shall be entitled to an annual director’s fee of PHP 100,000.00.

Board Chairman

The Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer have a separate leadership structure to ensure Board independence and foster the principle of balanced power and better capacity in terms of decision-making. They assume divergent key roles, wherein each requires an appropriate level of accountability from the Board, stakeholders, and shareholders.

Mr. Jose T. Pardo serves as the Chairman of the Board and Independent Director and Mr. Jose Victor P. Paterno as PSC’s President and Chief Executive Officer.

Board Diversity Policy

PSC values the importance of board diversity that encourages its members to have an active role in providing optimal decision-making and formulation of corporate rules, regulations, and policies. It shall embrace board diversity, as much as practicable, which is not limited in terms of age, gender, culture, skills, competence, and knowledge. The directors of PSC also have diversified business experience in retail, finance, banking, property, IT, and Communications. The Board’s current composition is set out in the following chart:

Board Training

Integrated into PSC’s CG Manual and Board Charter is its policy on training directors. It provides a training/orientation program for first-time directors and annual continuing training to all directors. It conducts a business overview and provides an exposure tour of 7-Eleven stores and a trade-check of other retail business formats. It also provides recent trade analysis or industry benchmarking together with recent industry surveys.

PSC provides yearly training on Corporate Governance to its directors and key officers. For 2020, the PSC Corporate Governance training focused on corporate governance in a time of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of digital transactions. The Good Governance Advocates & Practitioners of the Philippines (GGAPP) conducted the CG Training for PSC’s directors and key officers.

Board Evaluation

Directors and Board Assessment

PSC’s Board conducts and accomplishes self-rating surveys annually. The assessments are utilized as a vital tool for maximizing their effectiveness, which will aid the Corporation in identifying key issues necessary to facilitate the development and monitor the performance of the Corporation. The results of the assessment are compiled by the Compliance Officer and are reported to the Corporate Governance Committee.

The Board’s performance is measured through a rating scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is Not Performing and 5 is Outstanding Performance. They are asked to evaluate the Board’s meeting procedures, preparation for meetings, and monitoring of the Corporation’s performance and key issues/trends affecting the Corporation, among others. Meanwhile, directors also assess their individual performance by answering a self-assessment survey with 31 questions. In this assessment, each director must answer with either any of the following: SA – Strongly Agree, A – Agree, N – Neither Agree Nor Disagree, D – Disagree, and SD – Strongly Disagree.

Board Committee Assessment

A self-assessment worksheet following the Audit and Risk Committee Charter is accomplished every March of each year by its members to evaluate their performance. The results of the assessment are compiled by the Compliance Officer and are reported during the Corporate Governance Committee meeting. The basis of evaluation is provided under the Code, which provides their assessment based on their respective responsibilities such as 1) setting of committee structure; 2) oversight on financial reporting and disclosures, which provides responsibility for the financial reporting process, a system of internal control, audit process, and monitoring of compliance with applicable laws; 3) oversight on risk management and internal controls, which provides for managing credit, market liquidity, operational, and legal and other risk exposure; 4) oversight on management and internal audit, which provides a review for the annual audit plan in conformity with the objectives of the Company; and 5) oversight on external audit, which ensures proper coordination if more than one audit firm is involved in the activity to secure proper coverage and minimize duplication of efforts.

The Corporate Governance and Compensation Committees also adopted an internal assessment worksheet to evaluate their performance following the criteria set by the CG Manual and following each of the Committees’ respective Charters.
