How much is the investment?

How much is the investment? 1 minute READ

Your investment will vary depending on the average daily sales and gross profit of the...

What are the inclusions of the investment? 1 minute READ

Franchise fee which is equivalent to 1 day average daily sales of the store for...

How long is the ROI? 1 minute READ

The return of investment will be conservative of less than a year, depending also on...

What will be the operating expenses I need to pay as a franchisee? 1 minute READ

A Franchisee is responsible for the following operating costs out of their share on the...

How are franchisees selected? 1 minute READ

Interested applicants will undergo a Franchise Certification Program for three to five months, which is...

Do I get to choose which store I want to franchise? 1 minute READ

Yes. You may choose a store listed and pre-determined by Philippine Seven Corporation

How long is the franchise term? 1 minute READ

The franchise term is 3 year renewable for another 3 years. The eligibility of renewal...

What would happen if I want to terminate my franchise contract before the agreement is up? 1 minute READ

The performance guarantee deposit (PGD) will be refunded with interest and Philippine Seven Corporation will...

Do I need to have a retail experience? 1 minute READ

Since FC3 is focusing more on the franchisees’ management of the store, having a retail...

Do I need to play an active role in operating my store? 1 minute READ

Yes. As a part of the qualification, franchisee must be willing to devote time to...

Do you assist franchisees to recruit and train staff? 1 minute READ

The franchisee is responsible for the hiring of employees and all payroll expenses. Training program...

Can a Corporation and Partnership apply for a franchise? 1 minute READ

At this time, no. It is encouraged that the franchisee should be also hands-on in...

What will be the penalty in the event that Franchisee fails to commence training or discontinues training upon its own initiative? 1 minute READ

Failure to commence or discontinue training shall be subject to forfeiture of franchise application and...

What are the qualifications to become a 7-Eleven franchisee? 1 minute READ

Must be at least 25-60 years Has at least 72 units in any College Course...
